
Vaccines have become a global trend especially after the current pandemic.
We as vaccines experts have been trying for the past decades to advocate for the importance of vaccines and the urgency of applying very strong national vaccination programs all across the world. 
In this session, Gennecs Pharmaceuticals as a leader in vaccines industry across the region with the biggest portfolio, will be heading the vaccines session in one of the region’s biggest health forums where Dr. Nibal Dahaba, our regional general manager will be shedding light on the importance of vaccines manufacturing both local & regional helping in bridging the gap between global supply and market demand with specific focus on the importance of R&D for biologicals in general which is a corner stone in our sector.
December 11th will be a key date for the healthcare in Egypt & the region discussing various topics that are currently the most debatable being discussed across all global platforms & healthcare international entities.

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التحالف المصري لمصنعي اللقاحات انطلاقة جديدة نحو تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي وتعزيز الأمن الصحي الوطني

في خطوة غير مسبوقة لتحقيق الأمن الصحي الوطني وترسيخ مكانة مصر كمركز إقليمي للصناعات الحيوية، تم تدشين “التحالف المصري لمصنعي اللقاحات” كأحد المحاور الرئيسية لتنفيذ

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