
Dr. Nibal Dahaba: “My meeting today with the esteemed WHO Egypt head was beyond spectacular.”

Dr. Naeema is such an iconic enthusiastic woman representing WHO within the Egyptian territory working closely with the government with a clear goal and vision of having more access to vaccines and increasing vaccination coverage rates as a main priority.

When we talk about a national strategy regarding local production of vaccines, EPI modernization and increasing coverage rates, then definitely Dr. Naeema’s name & WHO would be the first partner of choice to be part of this huge initiative that we are starting.

Egypt will act as a regional hub for vaccines localization, not only for production upstream and downstream, but will also have the first R&D center with a specific strain bank for our own regional outbreaks.

WHO Egypt, led by Dr. Naeema, have always been a true partner to all our national goals.

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التحالف المصري لمصنعي اللقاحات انطلاقة جديدة نحو تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي وتعزيز الأمن الصحي الوطني

في خطوة غير مسبوقة لتحقيق الأمن الصحي الوطني وترسيخ مكانة مصر كمركز إقليمي للصناعات الحيوية، تم تدشين “التحالف المصري لمصنعي اللقاحات” كأحد المحاور الرئيسية لتنفيذ

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